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Release Instructions

Cherry-Picking Fixes

✋ Before you start, make sure you have created a release branch (e.g. release-3.3) and it's passing CI. Please make sure that all patch releases (e.g. v3.3.5) should be released from their associated minor release branches (e.g. release-3.3) to work well with our versioned website.

Then get a list of commits you may want to cherry-pick:

./hack/ release-3.3 "fix"
./hack/ release-3.3 "chore(deps)"
./hack/ release-3.3 "build"
./hack/ release-3.3 "ci"

To automatically cherry-pick, run the following:

./hack/ release-3.3 "fix" false

Then look for "failed to cherry-pick" in the log to find commits that fail to be cherry-picked and decide if a manual patch is necessary.


  • Fixes for features only on main.
  • Dependency upgrades, unless they fix known security issues.
  • Build or CI improvements, unless the release pipeline is blocked without them.

Cherry-pick the first commit. Run make test locally before pushing. If the build timeouts the build caches may have gone, try re-running.

Don't cherry-pick another commit until the CI passes. It is harder to find the cause of a new failed build if the last build failed too.

Cherry-picking commits one-by-one and then waiting for the CI will take a long time. Instead, cherry-pick each commit then run make test locally before pushing.

Publish Release

✋ Before you start, make sure the branch is passing CI.

Push a new tag to the release branch. E.g.:

git tag v3.3.4
git push upstream v3.3.4 # or origin if you do not use upstream

GitHub Actions will automatically build and publish your release. This takes about 1h. Set your self a reminder to check this was successful.

Update Changelog

Once the tag is published, GitHub Actions will automatically open a PR to update the changelog. Once the PR is ready, you can approve it, enable auto-merge, and comment /test to run CI on it.

Announce on Slack

Once the changelog updates have been merged, you should announce on our Slack channels, #argo-workflows and #argo-announcements. See previous announcements as examples of what to write in the patch announcement.

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