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Workflow Progress

v2.12 and after

When you run a workflow, the controller will report on its progress.

We define progress as two numbers, N/M such that 0 <= N <= M and 0 <= M.

  • N is the number of completed tasks.
  • M is the total number of tasks.

E.g. 0/0, 0/1 or 50/100.

Unlike estimated duration, progress is deterministic. I.e. it will be the same for each workflow, regardless of any problems.

Progress for each node is calculated as follows:

  1. For a pod node either 1/1 if completed or 0/1 otherwise.
  2. For non-leaf nodes, the sum of its children.

For a whole workflow's, progress is the sum of all its leaf nodes.


M will increase during workflow run each time a node is added to the graph.

Self reporting progress

v3.3 and after

Pods in a workflow can report their own progress during their runtime. This self reported progress overrides the auto-generated progress.

Reporting progress works as follows:

  • create and write the progress to a file indicated by the env variable ARGO_PROGRESS_FILE
  • format of the progress must be N/M

The executor will read this file every 3s and if there was an update, patch the matching WorkflowTaskResults resource with the value N/M. The controller picks this up and writes the progress to the appropriate Status properties every 1m.

These values can be fine tuned with the ARGO_PROGRESS_PATCH_TICK_DURATION and ARGO_PROGRESS_FILE_TICK_DURATION environment variables.

Initially the progress of a workflows' pod is always 0/1. If you want to influence this, make sure to set an initial progress annotation on the pod:

kind: Workflow
  generateName: progress-
  entrypoint: main
    - name: main
          - name: progress
            template: progress
    - name: progress
        image: alpine:3.14
        command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c" ]
          - |
            for i in `seq 1 10`; do sleep 10; echo "$(($i*10))"'/100' > $ARGO_PROGRESS_FILE; done

You must set your Workflow RBAC properly for the executor to be able to update progress.

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