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Configuring Archive Logs

Not recommended

We do not recommend relying on Argo to archive logs as it is naive and not purpose-built for indexing, searching, and storing logs. This feature is provided as a convenience to quickly view logs of garbage collected Pods in the Argo UI, but we recommend you integrate a dedicated, Kubernetes-aware logging facility.

To enable automatic pipeline logging, you need to configure archiveLogs at workflow-controller config-map, workflow spec, or template level. You also need to configure Artifact Repository to define where this logging artifact is stored.

Archive logs follows priorities:

workflow-controller config (on) > workflow spec (on/off) > template (on/off)

Controller Config Map Workflow Spec Template are we archiving logs?
true true true true
true true false true
true false true true
true false false true
false true true true
false true false false
false false true true
false false false false

Configuring Workflow Controller Config Map

See Workflow Controller Config Map

Configuring Workflow Spec

kind: Workflow
  generateName: archive-location-
  archiveLogs: true
  entrypoint: hello-world
  - name: hello-world
      image: busybox
      command: [echo]
      args: ["hello world"]

Configuring Workflow Template

kind: Workflow
  generateName: archive-location-
  entrypoint: hello-world
  - name: hello-world
      image: busybox
      command: [echo]
      args: ["hello world"]
      archiveLogs: true

Suggested alternatives

Argo's log storage is naive and will not reach feature parity with purpose-built facilities optimized for indexing, searching, and storing logs. Some open-source tools include:

You can add links to connect from the Argo UI to your logging facility's UI. See examples in the workflow-controller-configmap.yaml.

  • Link scope: workflow to the logs of a Workflow
  • Link scope: pod-logs to the logs of a specific Pod of a Workflow
  • Parametrize the link with ${}, ${metadata.namespace}, ${metadata.labels}, and other available metadata

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