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Non-production installation

If you just want to try out Argo Workflows in a non-production environment (including on desktop via minikube/kind/k3d etc) follow the quick-start guide.

Production installation

Installation Methods

Official release manifests

To install Argo Workflows, navigate to the releases page and find the release you wish to use (the latest full release is preferred). Scroll down to the Controller and Server section and execute the kubectl commands.

You can use Kustomize to patch your preferred configurations on top of the base manifest.

Use a full hash

If you are using a remote base with Kustomize, you should specify a full commit hash, for example ?ref=960af331a8c0a3f2e263c8b90f1daf4303816ba8.

latest vs stable

latest is the tip of the main branch and may not be stable. In production, you should use a specific release version.

Argo Workflows Helm Chart

You can install Argo Workflows using the community maintained Helm charts.

Installation options

Determine your base installation option.

  • A cluster install will watch and execute workflows in all namespaces. This is the default installation option when installing using the official release manifests.
  • A namespace install only executes workflows in the namespace it is installed in (typically argo). Look for namespace-install.yaml in the release assets.
  • A managed namespace install: only executes workflows in a separate namespace from the one it is installed in. See Managed Namespace for more details.

Additional installation considerations

Review the following:

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